Friday, February 8, 2013

Tunnel Card

Today is a snow day -- a play day!  I NEVER use Snow Days for housework, even if my house is a dump.  Snow Days are rare.  I live in southern Ontario., after all, and it snows here in the winter.  We're supposed to cope with it, not hunker down.  But this was too big of a storm, so school buses are cancelled, school doors are locked, and I'm home.

In the latest Cloth Paper Scissors, they show a tunnel card.  So cool!  I had to make one.  Warning!  This is not a 10 minute card, least not the way I did it.  This is Brian's Valentine's card, so I wanted to do that "little more".

And here's from the top:

Try one for youself!


Jamilla said...

Simply stunning!!! Lots going on with this card. Would love to see it in person.

Christine K said...

Love it! Have never tried this type of card before and have now been so inspired!
TFS, Judith!