Over a period of a very fast week, I: emptied my oldest son's bedroom, primed, painted, painted again, painted trim, painted that again, moved in my shelves full of "stuff", set up a bed, and cleaned up the room I used to be in. Whew! But you know, it was just the thing to do. I had been feeling blocked artistically. Doing something that is not art, but still serving my art freed me up. That, and cleaning up my junk, because I got inspired all over again.
So, when stuck, redecorate?
Top three photos: My old space, with my crowded desk. No matter how much I clean up, I seem to only ever have 6" worth of space for work!
Last two photos: The room was a deep tropical turquoise. I wanted robin's egg blue. The colour I chose wasn't quite right, so I added some black acrylic paint to grunge it up. Good, but now too green. So, some phthalo blue jumped in the mix. I am happy with the result, but will never be able to do touch ups! The trim is a creamy caramel.
I'm still using my old Ikea Ivar shelving. Holds a ton o' stuff, is inexpensive, and can be packed up if necessary.